
Friday 23 April 2021

A University for the North

My latest book, A University for the North has now been published! This 123-page, full-colour publication, commissioned to commemorate James Cook University's 50th anniversary in 2020, explores 50 stories that celebrate JCU's people, place, knowledge & legacy.

So what's in it? There are biographical-style articles on some extraordinary people, as well as stories on the development and growth of the university; its remarkable legacy of research and knowledge; and its contribution to the cultural life of North Queensland and the Tropics.

Publication details:
Title: A University for the North: James Cook University 1970-2020
Author: Trisha Fielding
Published by Bounce Books, an imprint of Hyphen, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-6450545-0-7
Other: 123 pages, 280mm x 260mm (portrait)

Where you can get a copy:


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