
Tuesday 4 July 2023

A New eBook! - Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef

A new eBook, Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef: the story of a ground-breaking scientific mission to Low Isles, Queensland in 1928-1929, and an overview of its legacies, has been written by historian (and JCU Library Special Collections staffer) Trisha Fielding, with contributions from Special Collections volunteers Suzie Davies and Liz Downes. It's available to read online (or download) for free at

Book summary:
In 1928, a group of highly-talented young British scientists arrived on a small island off the coast of far north Queensland on a mission to conduct a year-long study of the largest coral reef in the world — the Great Barrier Reef. Through rigorous scientific investigation into the biological and geological complexities of the reef, they hoped to uncover precisely what coral reefs were, and in doing so, to better understand the life cycles of the animal and plant life on the reef and in the surrounding sea. None of them had ever seen a coral reef before. This is the story of their year on the Great Barrier Reef, and of the ongoing legacies of this ground-breaking expedition. 
L-R: Liz Downes, Trisha Fielding, Suzie Davies, pictured on the day the eBook was launched, 29 June 2023. Photo: Amber Swayn.

Read the full blog post on JCU Library News Blog

You can also read these other blog posts I've written about the Great Barrier Reef Expedition:

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