Thursday, 19 October 2017

General Private Hospitals in Early Townsville

Hi lovely readers, I'm no longer collating information on midwives, as I published my book about this topic - Neither Mischievous nor Meddlesome - in 2019. Thank you so very much to everyone who contacted me with information, both during the research and writing phase, and since publication. I'm so grateful for the help.  

Something quite interesting to come out of my research at the moment is just how many Townsville women in the early 1900s were setting up their own general private hospital - not just a lying-in hospital in their own home, but a general private hospital. 

It's always seemed as if the general consensus was that the doctors set up these hospitals and then employed nurses to manage and run them. What I am finding is that many of these women, who I assumed were just managing the place for a doctor, actually OWNED the private hospital. In some instances they purchased, or even had the property built, for that purpose. 

A few examples include: Mai Treacy, who purchased the 'Nestle' hospital in Fryer Street and renamed it the 'Lister'; Margaret Monaghan (pictured) who ran 'Tauntonia' Private Hospital in Walker Street; Madge Clements, who secured a property on Melton Hill to set up 'Ardlamont' Private Hospital; and Eva Duman, who purchased a property with her sister Gladys to run 'Verwood' Private Hospital, in Hermit Park. 

The local doctors did attend patients/perform surgeries etc. at these hospitals, but they were not running them. This is exciting stuff for an historian!


  1. I came across your blogs while researching my mothers birthplace in Townsville. She was born in 1921 at Rawcliffe Private Hospital, Nurse McArdles, Walker Street, Townsville.
    I see a Margaret McArdle on your list of midwifes working during that time. My Grandmother would have travelled from Julia Creek to give birth at Nurse McArdles.
    Enjoying reading your blogs and good luck on your book.
    Kind Regards

    1. Thanks for your comment Debbie. I think it shows how well-respected Nurse McArdle was, that your Grandmother travelled all that way to give birth.
      Best regards, Trisha

    2. Dear Trish, Do you have any information about the hospital that was on the site of the Mater in Bayswater Rd. My great grandparents, Arthur and Martha Francis moved a house from Ravenswood in the early 1920s to 5 Bayswater Rd. I believe the site (or house) became a private hospital. I know there was a hospital there but can't remember it's name.
      Regards Sallyanne Powell

    3. Hi Sallyanne,
      It might have been Dr Bennett's Park Haven Private Hospital? Not completely sure on this one though.

  2. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. Yes that was it. Do you know where I can find any information about it? I have tried TROVE and Google but had no luck.


    1. Hi Sallyanne, I don't have any records for that private hospital, but I know that the Townsville Museum have a couple of display boards up with information and photos on Dr Bennett's Park Haven.

    2. Hi Trisha and Sallyanne.
      I am also looking for information on the Park Haven Hospital. Can't seem to find anything on TROVE or Google. Joanne.

    3. Are you looking for records of the Park Haven Hospital or where the old building was moved too?

  3. I have been curious about the Kanaka hospital that was for Malays and kanakas only, in first street Ross Island. I was told of it by an old fellow by the name of Jackson who claimed it was on the creek side of the street somewhere where the council depot is now. This hospital was for Kanakas and Malays only.

    1. Hi Alex, sounds interesting. I haven't heard of this one. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  4. Hi Trish, I have found through my research for my study that there were two Lister Hospitals in Townsville. There was one which is now Yongala Lodge and was also the Nestle Hospital and there is also one in Stagpole St that ended up being The Mater when purchased in 1945 by the Sisters of Mercy. Does this information match what you have found?

  5. Hi Trish,
    In research that I am conducting for my Masters, I have found that there were two Lister Private Hospitals. One is now the Yongala, previously the Nestle Hospital and the other was in Stagpole st and run by Dr Ross in 1925. Does this match your information? Sorry if the message repeated, I wasnt sure if it saved or not.
    Sandra Dash

    1. Hi Sandra, yes, this matches my research. Best regards, Trisha

  6. Can you tell me anything about St Anthony's Private Hospital on the Strand in 1925. My uncle was born there.

  7. Hi! This was run by Matron Williams.
